March 30, 2012

  • I often find myself needing to do things in which I don’t feel particularly gifted. This applies to cooking and administrative tasks, especially. It’s tempting to just, somehow, wiggle out of them, but that’s not always an option! We do need to eat, and yes, I do like to have people over and make them feel welcome – even though the preparation isn’t necessarily where I shine the most. And, let’s face it – things and events and papers and other to-do’s need to be created and organized, delegated and accomplished,
    in order for other, perhaps more noteworthy, goals to be met.

    So, the bottom line is that just about every day, I need to do things that don’t “fulfill” me or make me feel particularly competent. I suppose this is all good.
    It makes me dependent, and I suspect that is exactly where God would have me linger.

    “When our tasks are performed without a sense of God’s direction and help,
    then we walk a difficult and lonely road.
    To seek to serve others without God’s direction and sustenance
    will probably embitter us.”
    ~ C. Ringma

    Okay, so the goal is to do it all with Him, garnering what I need to do it, from Him.
    It is to think less and less about what I’d prefer and like….to let His companionship transform the very necessary and inglorious things that make me uncomfortable,
    into those things that please Him, and love others.

    “The Lord kept working with them….” Mk 16:20
    “My yoke…is gracious and pleasant and My burden is light and easy to be borne.” Mt 11:30


    Now, here’s an existence that, for me,
    would require daily dependency and close intimacy with my Creator:

    (South-central Washington. Truly in the middle of no where.)

    We never tire of the glimpses we get of our mountain.
    They make ordinary days extraordinary.

    Mt. Hood. She plays hide and seek much of the time.

    And, there’s glory to be found in even the rather lackluster days. 
    On the Columbia River Gorge:

March 28, 2012

  • Greetings from the Northwest…where it’s finally starting to look like spring, even though we had a snow day last week! We’ve been here for 19 & 1/2 months now. It doesn’t seem possible in so many ways….we’re still waiting for that “Ah, I’m at home” feeling. Sometimes I wonder if we’ll ever have it. The truth is, we are not at home on this earth, and never will be. We really are wayfarers and were created for somewhere much more perfect than what this life offers. But, in the meantime, we’re grateful for all the ways the Lord has helped us to transition to a new leg of the journey, here in Oregon.

    Of course, it’s still hard to be so far away from our kids. And, I suppose that will never lessen. However, it sure makes us grateful when we have time together.

    These shots were taken over Christmas. At the coast, of course:

    From left to right:

    Katie, with her guy, Zach. (They live in Houston, TX, serving in the inner city there.)
    Trish, with her guy, Rob.
    Heidie, with her guy, Riley. (He’s in college, about an hour away.)
    Jonathan, with his girl, Katelyn. (To be married this August, back in PA.)

    The girls. You can see we’ve added in Jenny.

    And, back home….with Jesse.

    Everyone was with us for at least some time over the holidays, except for my oldest, Josh, and his lovely Kirsten. But we will see them soon in Utah, when we both attend a wedding!

    I’ve decided that we are in an extended season of transitioning – not just the huge move across the country, and the letting go of old relationships and the forging of new ones, but the equally huge move of our increasingly emptying nest. To be honest – I find it very challenging. It’s like a whole new redefining of who I am. But, I’m rather thinking we shouldn’t evaluate it all too much, until that process is
    closer to completion in another couple of years. 

    In the meantime – the goal is to be flexible, be grateful, keep my hands and heart open, keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.
    It should be my governing mantra during this season.

    “Clinging too much to our desires easily prevents us
    from being what we ought to be and can be.” ~ D. Bonhoeffer

    “Lord, all my desire is before You.” Ps 38:9
    “I have no delight or desire on earth besides You.” Ps 73: 25

    If my desires become increasingly God’s desires – for both me and those I love -
    I think that there would be a lot more peace all around.

    “We can have a full life even when we haven’t got everything we want.” ~ D. Bonhoeffer

    “God’s peace shall be yours….fearing nothing…and being content with [your] earthly lot of whatever sort that is…I have learned how to be content – satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state I am.” Phil 4: 7, 11

    Yes, Oh God – get me there. That would be a transition well worth making.

    Our lovely coastline, which we never tire of visiting….

February 2, 2012

  • Here are some of the events that kept us fairly busy in the fall:

    Heidie was on the homecoming court at the high school, one of the junior class representatives. (Kind of ironic given that she is officially still homeschooled.)
    Here she is, at the parade, and no, this is not her boyfriend:

    Her guy couldn’t attend homecoming, so her date for the dance was her good friend, Grace:

    Here was Jenny’s date – not her boyfriend either – just an escort for the night:

    The following week, Heidie’s Riley came home from college.
     and the two of them went out on their own:

    Then a couple months later, the school put on a production of The Wizard of Oz. This is the Kansas backdrop that Heidie designed and painted, with a little help from other students:

    Heidie had a major role in the production. She was Auntie Em:

    Who became Glinda in Oz:

    Her dress was my project. I so enjoyed designing and sewing it:

    Jenny was one of the guards in the witch’s castle, a Winky:

    It was minor role and a more sober one than Heidie’s,
    but she enjoyed the camaraderie with the cast.

    Theater has been one of the more positive perks of my homeschooled girls
    being at the high school.


    “When we offer encouragement, we literally offer life to someone – strength to go on.”
    ~ W. Carmichael

    “I would strengthen and encourage you with the words of my mouth…” Job 16:5

    “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Prov 16:24

    ” My concern is that their hearts may be braced, comforted, cheered, and encouraged…” Col 2:2

    “Encourage one another every day.” Heb 3:13

    I don’t know about you, but I need a lot of encouragement.
    I hope you can give that gift to someone today. I’ll do my best to join you.

January 18, 2012

  • Wow. It’s been a long time….December flew by with holiday celebrations and time with family. Precious time, indeed. All of our kids flew in, except for the eldest and his wife. Such a gift….and now we are back into busy schedules of another sort – school activities, various meetings and upcoming events, the never ending “to-do’s”.

    It’s raining here today, in our valley between the Cascade Mts and the Coastal Range. All around us in the Pacific NW, folks are being pummeled by snow, but here it’s our typical rain, and since it’s January – it’s a rather cold drizzle at that.
    But you know, that’s really okay. I have no reason to complain.

    Nevertheless, it is nice to look back a few months…..

    This is the harbor we explored back in August. I do love Oregon’s coast.

    And this stretch of beach with its sandy hillocks is a family favorite:

    Oregon skies so often captivate me, one way or the other.


    “… Now we are thanking the Lord
    This is easy,
    for the Lord is everywhere.
    He is in the water and the air,
    He is in the very walls.
    He is around us and in us.
    He is the floor on which we kneel.
    We make our songs for Him
    as sweet as we can
    for His goodness,
    and, lo, He steps into the song
    and out of it, having blessed it,
    having recognized our intention,
    having awakened us, who thought we were awake,
    a second time,
    having married us to the air and the water,
    having lifted us in intensity,
    having lowered us in beautiful amiability,
    having given us
    each other,
    and the weeds, dogs, cities, boats, dreams
    that are the world.”
                                                  ~ Mary Oliver

    “I will awaken….I will praise and give thanks to You, O Lord.” Ps 57: 8, 9

    Gratitude makes me alive, no matter how the skies appear.
    So grateful it is always an option.

December 9, 2011

  • I finally finished up my fall sewing projects, (costumes), for my girls’ various productions – more on that down the road – and now we are all gearing up for the coming Christmas festivities! Busy times, with various ups and downs, sometimes too much activity and too many “to do’s”, but best of all, it’s a time to remember
    the wonder of God’s greatest gift to us all.

    “It is not a negative reflection on who we are to acknowledge
    that we need the love and grace of God.” ~ C. Ringma

    “I need your help. Every morning you’ll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar.” Ps 5:1

    “I’m letting you know what I need, calling out for help And lifting my arms…” Ps 28:2

    “Everything I need comes from him….He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, An impregnable castle: I’m set for life.” Ps 62:1

    So, so thankful that Jesus came to me in my greatest need,
    when I did not yet know Him; and He continues to meet me
    and be with me every day, all year long.
    Truly, eternally grateful.

    Back in August Rob and I had a short b’day/anniversary get-away
    to a bed and breakfast on the coast. It was a treasured time.

    Our room:

    Our view:

    Grateful for 33 years of marriage:

    When the Lord gave me Rob, He was giving going past my need,
    to my heart’s desire.

November 30, 2011

  • Thanksgiving has come and gone, but I’ve been in a season of trying to increase my gratefulness for some time now. So, every day I am trying to write down
    at least 10 things  that have spurred me on in giving thanks.

    “Ultimately, in his essence, Satan is an ingrate…Adam and Eve [were], simply, painfully ungrateful for what God gave….Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives.” ~ A. Voskamp

    “Gratefully praise God…” Ps 68:26

    “What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man – all that God has prepared for those who love Him, and who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him, and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed.” 1 Cor 2:9

    I want to be a prompt giver of thanks. Some examples of what have delighted me of late:

    > my middle son’s recent engagement – the wedding will be in July!
    (And we love his bride-to-be.)

    > music that brightens my heart
    > the mist in the mountains
    > the sun that breaks through the rain
    > budding relationships in our community
    > a recent photo project for church turned out well
    > enjoyable work sewing costumes
    > our warm house on windy nights
    > fresh baked muffins
    > our middle daughter’s honorable boyfriend
    > good talks with far away children on the phone
    > chocolate ice cream
    > provision for my youngest son who’s been looking for work
    > hot baths late at night & a warm bed
    > opportunity to help folks with less than we have

    This is truly only a small sample of all that should motivate me to pause and say,
    “Thank You, Lord, for abundant grace.”

    And, here’s a glimpse of Mt. St. Helens, which we visited this last summer.
    It was an absolutely phenomenal outing.

    This is Spirit Lake, at the foot of the volcano. You can see the tree trunks that still clutter its surface from the blast in 1980.

    At the Windy Ridge look-out, 4 miles from the crater:

    Amazing floral resurgence in the area that had been blasted.

    So grateful for the beauty that surrounds us.

November 15, 2011

  • Wow. Looks like we’ve been busy! The last few weeks have held: various meetings, costume sewing, a short visit from my brother, a couple funerals, making applesauce, feeding the homeless, distributing food boxes, long talks with far away friends, a weekly community dinner, a couple days of having my youngest son home, school activities….and, of course,
    just life and its daily chores, per usual.
    I’ve certainly had no problem keeping busy since the girls have gone off to nearly full days at school. I do miss them, though, and am very much still adjusting to this new life of mine.

    “Only he who gives thanks for little things receives the big things.” ~ D. Bonhoeffer

    “At all times, and for everything, giving thanks….” Eph 5:20

    I’m still very much in the school of learning gratitude. It really does change my days when I can do it. Even for the smallest of things.
    Like a late season primrose in the front yard, colorful leaves flying about town, early morning mist…..when we see and appreciate His grace in the little things,
    He lives in the ordinary moments, and they become extraordinary.


    We did some climbing this summer. It was glorious.

    This lookout is only about half an hour or 40 minutes from our house. Amazing.

    We also did some camping. This is up on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. A pure delight.

    We visited the coastline of the Olympic Peninsula:

    And saw some of its more colorful inhabitants:

    I’m so grateful for the lovely experiences we’ve been able to soak in since moving here.

October 26, 2011

  • The last few weeks have been filled with sad news of deaths and marital problems. I’m not sure why these things seem to crop up in clusters, rather than single events, but that often seems to be the case. Very sad. But, it reminds me, once again, how important it is for each of us to wrestle with God and come to a place of contentment with what He sends/allows in our days. No matter what, we must each learn how to hold on to His goodness.

    “Remember…had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there. You are place by God in the most suitable circumstances…Be content with such things as you have,
    since the Lord has ordered all the things for your good….
    It is not for you to choose, but the Lord of Love!”
    ~ C. Spurgeon

    “Fearing nothing from God and being content with [one's] earthly lot, of whatever sort that is…” Phil 4:7
    “I have learned how to be content…” Phil 4:11
    “…for your good…” Rom 8:28

    Sometimes it takes the eyes of faith to see, doesn’t it? We live in a very broken world and we cannot expect to escape hardship and much sorrow. But this gift of contentment –
    it’s what He has for us despite the surroundings we live in.
    It’s part of what makes this life a miraculous journey.

    This summer, one of the things we really enjoyed were the surrounding flower fields.
    Much seed for flower packets is grown here in Oregon.


    Yes, joy-inspiring.

    The joy is hidden in the little things, you know.

October 11, 2011

  • I don’t know about you, but in the midst of our busyness – and there is plenty of that – we are already thinking ahead to the holidays. Mostly what we are anticipating is more time with our children. Our oldest, Josh (& Kirsten), came out briefly this summer.

    This was taken on a nearby hike. We hiked quite a bit this last summer. Unfortunately they cannot come out again any time soon. I think it might be our first major holiday apart.
    I know with 6 kids and their full lives, this was only inevitable.

    Also, this summer we went hiking at Multnomah Falls.


    We were able to do that with Katie and Jesse.

    We’ll have time with both of them over the holidays. Something we won’t take for granted.

    (Looking hot and sweaty at the top of the falls.)

    Life is so much sweeter when you don’t take it for granted.

    “Laughter is really a form of praise – praise without words…. Laughter says, ‘God, thank You for creating me. Thank You that I am alive. Thank You for this moment,
    these people, this place. I rejoice in You.”
     ~ W. Carmichael

    “Then were our mouths filled with laughter, and our tongues with singing. Then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ ” Ps 126:2

    “She can laugh at the days to come.” Prov 31:25

    May it be.
    Hoping you have some warm laughter in your day today, my friends…. 

September 28, 2011

  • Keeping busy here….school activities, having folks over, community involvement… around the house. But, I also am taking the time for a cup of tea, a bit of reading,
    ddaily walks.  Generally – things are going well. And I’m grateful.

    “We alone, out of all the beings that God has fashioned, dishonor Him by unbelief, and tarnish His honor by mistrust….Do you think that your heavenly Father, though He knoweth that you have need of food and raiment, will yet forget you? When not a sparrow falls to the ground without your Father, and the very hairs of your head are all numbered, will you mistrust and doubt? …. May we…wage constant war against doubts of our God –
    enemies to our peace and to His honor.” ~ C. Spurgeon

    “[You] will dwell on the heights; [your] place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; [your] bread will be given…water for [you] will be sure.
    Your eyes will see the King in His beauty.”
    Is 33:16-17

    And that King loves to take care of us.

    “Your Father knows what you need.” Mt 6:8

    “I do believe; help my unbelief.” Mk 9:24

    That last verse always sums it up so well.

    We visited the beach several times this summer. I never seem to tire of it.

    I took a group of girls there for the day, when Rachel was visiting from Pennsylvania.

    We also had several gatherings for the kids over the summer.
     This was our going away bash for Rachel:

    Great kids.

    And here Rachel and I are immortalizing that I am her #1 Oregon Mama:

    I’m so glad to not only have my own kids, but I get to borrow other ones as well.